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a little catch-up post

Hello friends! I didn't intend to take four months off from blogging, but some months are like that.
***Warning---picture post heavy***

In October, we traveled to Kentucky to visit family, and have a little vacation. We relaxed, ate lots of food, visited two distilleries, visited the dinosaur park, swam, and enjoyed a little military history. I finally graduated to a smartphone in October also! Yes, I think I may have been the last younger generation without one. :) We also traveled to Kansas for Halloween this year.

The dinosaur park was nothing spectacular, but the kids enjoyed it. It was nice to give them a break from all the driving.

Even though I don't drink bourbon or whiskey, I enjoy learning about the process, and especially enjoyed the seeing the differences between the two distilleries.

Woodford Reserve Distillery

Jim Bean Distillery

We visited a little museum on base.

In November, we buckled down on school again, and stayed around home just being together, celebrated little sister's birthday, and big sister and I along with a cousin and her momma went to the Secret Keeper Girl Crazy Hair Tour.


In December, more schoolwork and more hanging out at home, and then we traveled to Kansas for Christmas. It's been pretty warm here for December. We were able to go to the park one day.

In January, we've been busy with speech appointments. Little sister has speech with a private therapist twice a week, and once with the public therapist through early childhood services. Big brother had a birthday! We also submitted our LOI (Letter of Intent) to adopt a precious little six-year old girl. We received our PA (pre-approval) just a week later! So, we've been busy getting the house in tip-top shape for a new social worker to visit. We've been busy filling out more forms, applications, and getting forms notarized. We've been busy scheduling physicals for ALL the kids. We've been busy purging and getting rid of excess.

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